29 May, 2009
wahahahahahah the circle line opened rite outside my school!!!no nid take some slow bus,no nid w8 20 mins! wahahahahahahaha
can take new mrt, 30 cent ,bus 40 cent++,got cooler aircon!
wahahahahahhahahahahahahaahhaha,can plae mac longer time
when going to sch and coming home...more seats,automated mrt(i tink is
remote controlled) can look at the tracks we travellin when bored...(zzzzzzzzzzz)
anyway the bus stop not so crowded liao...everi1 taking mrt XD
Friday, May 29, 2009
tagged by grace to do.....
Q1 besides ur lips,where is ur fav. part to get kissed?
....there are no rules...so...i will sae:i dunno...
Q2 how do u feel when u wake up tis mornin?
Q3 who was the last person u took a photo wif?
i dunno,my family?
Q4 would u consider urself to be a spoilt?
my fren sae i spoilt,so i suppose so
Q5 Would u ever donate blood?
maybe,i nvr did it b4.......
Q6 Have u ever had a best fren of the opp sex?
Q7 Do u wan some1 dead?
Q8 what does ur last msg sae?
u bloody gay(linus used my phone to send it....)
Q9 what r u tinking of now?
playing getamped.......
Q10 do u wish some1 was wif u rite now?
Q11 what time did u sleep last nite?
these questions have no connections....11pm...
Q12 where did u buy the t-shirt u wearing now?
i dunno,my mum bought it...
Q13 is some1 on ur mind rite now?
Q14 who was the last person to text u?
Terence Tay Wei Teck(the person which linus send the msg to....)
Friday, May 29, 2009
15 May, 2009
wad we doing at east coast...pls decidei asking linus and aaron to come....
who organizer?
Friday, May 15, 2009
12 May, 2009
Please help to save my blog......onie bout a few people tagging....dam shyt.....save it from getting extinct and gone.....help....zzzzzzz
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

there is 2 marist symbol below every white
haha...lol nothing to do... take pic of my tie....
every monday nid wear....some
people the triangle look like rectangle....
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
08 May, 2009
I dam bored....play msn oso play bored liao.....suggest some things to do.............
I am dying.........................
Save me!!!!!
Friday, May 08, 2009
07 May, 2009
RULES :- Tell ___ Truths
copy from zhuohan's blog
Have u ever
1.dated someone twice - maybe
2.been cheated on - yar...on9 game
3.cheated some1 else - yar,nicholas tio scam!!!hhahahhahhaha
4.lost some1 special - my fishes died.....
5.been depressed - no
6. been drunk and threw up - no....
List ur fav colors:black,blue,silver,brown
Hav you
1.made new frens - yar...
2.fallen out of love - yes....
3.laughed until u cry - no...
4.met some1 who changed u - no
5.found out who ur true frens were - ya,long time ago
6.found out some1 who was talking bout you - ya,often....
7.kissed anyone on ur fren's list - no
8.how many people on ur frens list do you know in real life - i dunno
9.hw many kids do u want to hav - 2,3
10.do you hav any pets - no
11.do u want to change ur name - i dunno wad to change to...
12.wad did u do for ur las birthday - play com..then forgot liao
13.wad time did u wake up todae - 6am
14.wad were u doing at midnite last nite - sleeping
15.name somethings you cannot wait for - my scout badges....
16.last time u saw ur father - sunday
17.one thing u wish u could change bout ur life - richer and err more freedom
18.wadd are u listening to rite now - my brother whining
19.have u ever talk to a person named tom - no,who would name their son tom?
20.wad's getting on ur nerves right now? - my brother....
21.whats ur name - TJX Johann
22.nicknames - my names too complicated to have some....
23.relationship status - availabe
24.zodiac sign - saggi
25.male or female or transgendered - male.....
26.elementary(american for primary i tink) - pei chun public
27.primary - pei chun public
28.secondary - MSHS
29.Hair color- black
30.long or short- short...duh
31.height - i forgot...
32.do you hav a crush on some1 - truish
33.what do u like about urself - i dunno
34.tattos - no
35.righty or lefty - righty
36.surgery - no hav
37.first piercing - no hav
38. first best frens - lemme see......cheng wei n shawn
39.first sport u joined - swimming
40.first pet - terrapin
41.first vacation - australia
42.first concert - p4 i tink at esplanade..for guitar perf.
43.first crush - .......P3
Right now:
44.eating - air
45.drinking - water vapour
46.i am bout to - eat lunch
47.listening to - my brother WHINING!
48.waiting for - lunch.....
ur future
49.wan kids - yar...
50.wan to get married - ..........
51.carrers in mind - i dunno,haven decide yet....
52.lips or eyes - eyes
53.hugs or kisses - i dunno,both?
54.shorter or taller - taller
55.older or younger - dunno
56.romantic or spontaneous - both
57.nice stomach or arms - dunno
58.sensitive or loud - sensitive
59.hook-up or relationship - either
60.trouble maker or hesitant - hesitant
have u ever
61.kissed a stranger - why would i do that?
62.drank hard liquor - no...
63.lost glasses/contacts - no,i dun wear them...
64.sex on first date - no....
65.broken some1's heart - no
66.had ur heart broken - dun tink so
67.turned some1 down - no
68.cried when some1 died - no
69.liked a friend that is a girl - ya...
do u believe in
70. urself - no
71.miracles -no
72.love at first sight - ya...
73.heaven- somewhat yes
74.santa claus - YES!....no.....-_-lll
75.kissing on first date - yar
76.angels - no
i am missing some parts...i dunno wad....lolz.zzzz
Thursday, May 07, 2009
06 May, 2009
For 2 weeks,we can go home early,cos of exams.........i reach home around 10am or 10.30am login msn nobody to talk to.............today geog.....tmr chinese paper 1, then come bak nid finish preparatory work for art.........haiz.....dam bored
Labels: 7 more days...endure....
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
04 May, 2009
the chatbox lags abit, just scroll down,it is located below the profile there
Monday, May 04, 2009
CHANGED MY BLOG!! skin changed,links changed and err profile thing changed and..no more
Monday, May 04, 2009